ANS9744W Size exceeds limit
Explanation: Youtried to recall a file that has exceeded the maximum file size
limitation on your system.
SystemAction: TSM cannot recall the file.
User Response: Recallthis file on a system that supports the file size. See your
system administrator.
ANS9790I File is skipped for migration: No backup copy found.
Explanation: Amanagement class is assigned to the file with the attribute
MIGREQUIRESBKUP set toYES. This requires a current backup copy of the file
before migration. However, there is no backup copy found on the migration server.
This file will not be migrated. Note: TSM checks only the migration server for a
backup copy.If the migration server and backup server are different servers, TSM
does not find a backup copy of the file.
SystemAction: TSM does not migrate this file.
User Response: Backup this file on the migration server, or assign a management
class to this file that does not require a current backup copy.Retry the operation.
ANS9791I File is skipped for migration: Backup copy found is not current.
Explanation: Amanagement class is assigned to the file with the attribute
MIGREQUIRESBKUP set toYES. This requires a current backup copy of the file
before migration. However, the backup copy found on the migration server is an old
version. This file will not be migrated. Note: TSM checks only the migration server
for a backup copy.If the migration server and backup server are different servers,
there must be a valid backup copy of the file on the migration server.
SystemAction: TSM does not migrate this file.
User Response: Backup the current file on the migration server, or assign a
management class to this file that does not require a current backup copy.Retry the
ANS9792W Atree view of a file system is being built. Please wait until it completes, and
then retry the operation.
Explanation: Youtried to choose Selective Migration or Selective Recall when a
tree view of a file system is being built.
SystemAction: TSM ignores the request.
User Response: Wait until the tree view build completes, and then retry the
Version 3 Release 7