User Response: See your system administrator to report this problem. This error is
a system failure.
ANS4033E Error processing ’filespace namepath-namefile-name’: file compressed on a
different client machine that has more memory
Explanation: Youare trying to restore a file that was backed up and compressed
on another client workstation that had more memory than your client workstation.
Youcannot restore this file. When the file is restored, it is expanded and your
workstation does not have enough memory.
SystemAction: TSM canceled the operation.
User Response: Obtain a machine with more memory and retry the operation.
ANS4034E Error processing ’filespace namepath-namefile-name’: unknown system error
Explanation: An unknown error occurred. This might be a low-level system or
communication error that TSM cannot handle or recover from.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Retry the operation. If the problem continues, determine where
the problem exists. See your system administrator for further help.
ANS4035W File ’filespace namepath-namefile-name’ currently unavailable on server.
Explanation: Youtried to restore or retrieve a file that is currently not available
from the TSM server.
SystemAction: TSM Cannot restore or retrieve the file.
User Response: Try to restore or retrieve after the file was made available on the
server.See your system administrator.
ANS4036E An error occurred saving the registrykey.
Explanation: The active registry key cannot be saved.
SystemAction: Registry backup operation terminates.
User Response: See your system administrator.
ANS4037E File ’file-namefile-namefile-name’ changed during processing. File skipped.
Explanation: The specified file-name was skipped during backup, archive, or
migrate because it was changing during the attempt to process it.
SystemAction: TSM skipped the file.
User Response: If you want the file backed up, archived, or migrated, retry the
operation. If it fails, determine why the file is being changed. For more information
on backing up, archiving, or migrating changing files, see your system administrator.
ANS4040E Error processing ’filespace namepath-namefile-name’: file system filespace name
has exceeded its space management quota.
Explanation: TSM detects that the file system has exceeded its quota. No more
data can be migrated out of this file system.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
10. Client Event Logging