ANS0930I Database rebuild done.
Explanation: Database rebuild from backup copies of notes was successfully
SystemAction: The program completes successfully.
User Response: None.
ANS0931E Cannotlog errors.
Explanation: An attempt was made to initiate error logging, which includes either
opening or creating a LOG.DSM file. The attempt failed.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Checkthe LOG.DSM file to see why it cannot be opened or
ANS0932I No matching data on server.
Explanation: An attempt was made to query one or more backup copies of notes
on the TSM server,but no copies existed or an attempt was made to merge the data
notes (documents) from the TSM server into the original database, but no data notes
SystemAction: The program ends.
User Response: Ifyou believe that some matching data should exist on the server,
check your database path name to ensure that you are using the correct database file
name. If the -merge keyword is used, your database might only have nondata notes
ANS0933E Thedays value is invalid.
Explanation: The days value is either negative or greater than 65535.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Usecorrect days value.
ANS0934E TSMnew passwords do not match.
Explanation: An attempt was made to change the TSM password through the
Lotus Notes workspace but the two new TSM passwords entered did not match.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Retrythe command with matching new TSM passwords.
ANS0935E ThisNotes database file not on server.
Explanation: Either the given database file was not backed up on the server, or
the database file space was removed from the server.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Checkthe name of the database to ensure that it is the correct
database, and check the DSM.OPT file to ensure that you are accessing the correct
TSM server.You can ask the TSM administrator to check the filespaces for your
node.A database name is equivalent to a filespace.
Version 3 Release 7