User Response: If you want to include the machine recovery instructions in the
recovery plan file, issue the INSERTcommand. Reissue the PREPARE command
after the appropriate commands have been issued to define the recovery media. For
additional information and related commands, refer to theAdministrator’s Reference
for your particular platform.
ANR6925W Command: No machine characteristics defined for machine machine name.
Explanation: No characteristics have been defined to the server for the specified
SystemAction: The recovery plan file does not contain the machine characteristics
User Response: If you want to include the machine recovery instructions in the
recovery plan file, issue the INSERTcommand. Reissue the PREPARE command
after the appropriate commands have been issued to define the recovery media. For
additional information and related commands, refer to theAdministrator’s Reference
for your particular platform.
ANR6926W Command: There is at least one invalid generated volume name associated with
storage pool storage pool server device type device type in stanza stanza name.
Explanation: Appending the replacement volume name postfix (as defined with
SET DRMPLANVPOSTFIX) to the original volume name has created a name that
is not valid for the server device type shown.
SystemAction: Replacement volume name is used in the recovery plan stanza.
User Response: Devise a naming convention that allows the use of the
replacement volume name postfix or at restore time manually update the generated
recovery plan with a legal replacement name. For additional information and related
commands, refer to the Administrator’s Reference for your particular platform.
ANR6937E command:parameter name parameter not allowed from the command line.
Explanation: The parameter shown is not allowed from the command line
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Reissue the command with the parameter from the web.
ANR6938I No information found for stanza stanza name.
Explanation: No information found for recovery plan file stanza shown.
SystemAction: The server does not display the information for the stanza.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages