ANR5096W (S/390)
Unable to initialize OE BPX TCP/IPdriver - TCP/IP is down level.
Explanation: Although the OS/390 is at V2R5 or above the level of TCP/IPis
below V3R4 level, and so OE BPX TCP/IPcommunications cannot be initialized.
SystemAction: Server initialization continues. TCP/IPcommunications is
initialized, instead of OE BPX TCP/IP.
User Response: Makesure the TCP/IP V3R4 or above is installed and running in
the system if OE BPX TCP/IPcommunication is to be used.
ANR5097I (S/390)TCP/IP driver terminated as requested.
Explanation: The server’s TCP/IPcommunications driver is ending as requested.
SystemAction: Server operation continues with support for the TCP/IP
COMMmethod disabled.
User Response: None.
ANR5098I (S/390)TCP/IP driver starting.
Explanation: The server is in the process of starting the TCP/IPcommunications
SystemAction: The server tries to initiate a thread that will monitor the status of
the TCP/IP communications driver.
User Response: None.
ANR5099E (S/390)Unableto initialize TCP/IP driver - error binding acceptor socket socket number
(rc = code).
Explanation: The server’s TCP/IPcommunications driver detects an internal error
while attempting to bind the acceptor socket.
SystemAction: The server ends the TCP/IPacceptor process. Server operation
continues without support for the TCP/IPCOMMmethod. The server tries to restart
the acceptor process periodically.
User Response: Reportthe error to your service representative.
Version 3 Release 7