SystemAction: The indicated migration process ends. The server waits for the
retry period to expire and then tries the migration again. If other migration
processes are executing for the named storage pool, these processes will continue
User Response: None.
ANR1022W Migration process process ID terminated forstorage pool storage pool name -
excessive read errors encountered.
Explanation: During migration for the indicated storage pool, read errors occur
that prevented the migration from continuing.
SystemAction: The indicated migration process ends. The server waits for the
retry period to expire and then tries the migration again. If other migration
processes are executing for the named storage pool, these processes will continue
User Response: Ifpossible, correct the cause of the read errors.
ANR1023W Migration process process ID terminated forstorage pool storage pool name -
excessive write errors encountered.
Explanation: During migration for the indicated storage pool, write errors occur
that prevent the migration from continuing.
SystemAction: The indicated migration process ends. The server waits for the
retry period to expire and then tries the migration again. If other migration
processes are executing for the named storage pool, these processes will continue
User Response: Ifpossible, correct the cause of the write errors.
ANR1024W Migration process process ID terminated forstorage pool storage pool name -
data transfer interrupted.
Explanation: During migration for the indicated storage pool, a data transfer
operation was interrupted and could not be continued.
SystemAction: The indicated migration process ends. The server waits for the
retry period to expire and then tries the migration again. If other migration
processes are executing for the named storage pool, these processes will continue
User Response: Ifpossible, correct the cause of the interruption.
Version 3 Release 7