Explanation: The requested action required a new process to be created. Either an
option or a schedule “action” that requested an operating system command to be
executed was entered.
SystemAction: Request is ignored.
User Response: Removethe request from the options file or the schedule defined
on the server.
ANS1868E Invalid Management Class ’management-class’ found in the Include Exclude
Explanation: The management-class included in the Include Exclude file does not
exist. See TSM error log for more information.
SystemAction: Processing continued using the default Management Class.
User Response: Correctthe Include Exclude file entry.
ANS1869E The NDS object requires its parent, orcontainer, to be present before this
object can be restored. Tryfirst restoring the parent of this object.
Explanation: SMS requires the parent of the object (container) to be present
before the child or object can be created.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Retryrestoring, but at least one level up. For instance, restore
'dir\.o=ibm\*' instead of 'dir\ou=gpl.o=ibm\*'.
ANS1872E Unable to connect to NetWaretarget service ’server-name’. Make sure the TSA
NLM is loaded on the specified machine.
Explanation: TSM interacts with the TargetService Agent (TSA) and the
connection cannot be made to the Netware server-name.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Ensurethat the TSA is loaded and retry the TSM command.
ANS1874E Login denied to NetWareTarget Service Agent ’server-name’.
Explanation: The connection to the TargetService Agent (TSA) requires a
NetWareuser name and a password. The password you entered at the prompt may
be incorrect.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Retrythe TSM command, supplying the correct LAN password.
ANS1875E Unable to connect to target service. Out of memory.
Explanation: Not enough memory to connect to the TargetService Agent (TSA).
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Eitheradd memory to the server or free memory by unloading
some programs, or by restarting the server.
Version 3 Release 7