DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance for csi systems
1-77Install DS1 CPE Loopback Jack (T1 Only)
Test the short length of customer premises wiring (sec tion 2 in the
following 3 figures) between the loo pback jack and the Smart Jack. This
can be done using a loopback that “ overlaps” section 2 of the cable. Any
of the following loopbac ks can do this:
a. The local ICSUs line loopback, whic h is typically activated , tested,
and then deactivated by the DS1 service provider at the CO end.
b. The local DS1 interface’s payload loopback, ac tivated and tested
by the DS1 service provider at the CO end.
c. The far-end ICSU’s line loopbac k. This test is activated at the
management terminal by entering test ds1-loop <location>
far-csu-loopback-test-begin. The test is terminated by entering
test ds1-loop <location> end-loopback/span-test. Bit error
counts are examined as desc ribed in “DS1 Span Test.” This test
method is the least preferable b ecause it covers wiring that is not in
the local portion of the sp an. This test only isolates problems to
section 2 wiring if there are no prob lems in the wiring between the
far-end CO and the far-end ICSU. Coordinate this test with the DS1
service provider.
If any of the above tests (a, b, or c) fail, a problem is ind icated in section 2
as long as the tests for section 1 and section 3 pass. Since sec tion 2
includes the network interfac e point, it is necessary to work with the
service provider to isolate the fault to the loopback jac k cable, the “dumb
block, or the Smart Jack.