DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
3-1063TDM-BUS (TDM Bus)
The TDM Bus consists of a duplicated TDM Bus on each port network: TDM Bus
A and TDM Bus B. Each TDM Bus consists of 256 time slots. The first five time
slots on each bus are called the Control Channel. The Control Channel is active
on only one bus at a time in each Port Network. The next 17 time slots a re
reserved for dedic ated tones (that is, dial tone). These time slots are c alled the
dedicated tone time slots and only one bus at a time carries the dedic ated tones.
The rest of the time slots on each bus are for general sys tem use (that is, phone
On system initialization, the Control Channel is on TDM Bus A and the dedicated
tones on TDM Bus B in each Port Network.
Ter m i n o l o g y :
Control Channel Bus - The TDM Bus control channel is on.
Non-Control Channel Bus - The TDM Bus control channel is NOT on.
Tone Bus - The TDM Bus dedicated tone time slots are on.
Non-Tone Bus - The TDM Bus dedicated tone time slots are NOT on.

TDM Bus Fault Detection and Isolation


TDM Bus faults are most likely caused by a d efective circuit p ack connected to
the backplane or b ent pins on the backp lane. It is possible that a c ircuit pack
can cause a TDM Bus fault but still exhib it trouble-free operation. For example,
the insertion of an MBUS (Memory Bus) only circ uit pack can b end the TDM Bus
pins on the backp lane and short two leads tog ether. Since the TDM Bus is a
shared resource, automatic id entification of the cause of a TDM Bus fault is
difficult. If a TDM Bus problem is su spected, the system tec hnician should run
the test tdm P system technician c ommand. If any of the resulting tests fa il, then
the system technician must manually p erform a TDM Bus isolation proced ure to
identify the cause of the p roblem.
MO Name (in
Alarm Log)
Initial Command
to Run Full Name of MO
TDM-BUS MAJOR test tdm P TDM Bus
TDM-BUS MINOR test tdm P TDM Bus