DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Commands
ping node-name
This command pings an ad ministered node. Look the “ node-name” up with the
display node-names command).
ping board
The board qualifi er specifies which C-LAN ci rcuit pack from which to p ing. By
adding the
board UUCSS
qualifier to the command, y ou can also specify which
C-LAN circuit pac k (in the case of multiple C-LAN circ uit packs). If only one
C-LAN circuit pack is present, the board qualifier is optional.
ping packet-length
The packet-length q ualifier specifies the pac ket length of the ping p acket.
Packet lengths of from 64 to 1500 bytes c an be specified. The packet-length
qualifier is optional, and if not used, the default pack et length is 64 bytes.
Specifying a longer p acket length in the command line can show
if a router or host has a problem frag menting or reassembling transferred
a more complete indic ation of the link status
If the packet length is not specified, the default i s 64 bytes. You can add the
packet-length qualifier and the p acket size (64-1500 bytes) to the other p ing
commands. Some examples inc lude:
ping node-name packet-length 800
ping ip-address packet-length 100
ping board UUCSS packet-length 1000
The following example shows the output from the ping ip-address
packet-length command.
Screen 2-7. ping ip-address report
ping ip-address packet-length 1500
End-pt IP Port Port Type Result Time(ms) Error Code 01C0202 PPP-PT PASS 221 XXXX