DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance for csi systems
1-33Logging On/Off
Changing a Login’s Attributes
To change a customer login’s attribut es you must be a super-user, have
administrative permissions (sp ecifically, the Administration Permission
field must be set to y for the sup er-user), and:
1. Enter the change login


command to acc ess the Login
Administration form.Enter your super-user password in the Password of
Login Making Change field on the Login Administration form. The 3- to
6-character login name (c haracters 0-9, a-z, A-Z) entered with the change


command is displayed in the Login’s Name field.
2. Enter customer in the Login Type field.
3. Enter super-user or non-super-user in the Service Level field.
You cannot change your own service level.
4. To disable a login following a login sec urity threshold violation, enter y in
the Disable Following a Security Violation field. This field is a
dynamic field and only appears on the Login Ad ministration form when the
SVN Login Violation Notification feature is enabled.
5. To allow access to the remote administration port, enter y in the Access
to INADS Port? field. This field will only disp lay if Lucent Technologies
has first enabled customer sup er-user access to the INADS Remote
Administration Port.
6. Enter a password for the new login in the Login’s Password field. A
password must be from 4 to 11 c haracters in length and contain at least 1
alphabetic and 1 numeric symbol. Valid charac ters include numb ers,
and!&*?;’^ (),.:- (the system does not echo the p assword to the screen as
you type).
7. Re-enter the password in the Login’s Password field. The system does
not echo the password to the sc reen as you type.
8. Enter the number of days (1 to 99) from the cu rrent day when you wish the
password to expire in the Password Aging Cycle Length field . If a
blank is entered in this field , password aging does not apply to the log in.
Administering Login Command Permissions
Users with super-user permissions c an set the permissions of the log ins they
create. The Command Permissions Categories form d isplays fields to whic h a
user with super-user permissions c an give or limit acc ess. These commands are
divided into three c ategories:
Common Command
Administration Commands
Optional Maintenance Command s