DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Commands
2-237status cdr-link
status cdr-link
This command displays the stat us of call detail record ing (CDR) links. Link up or
down status displays. If a link is down, the system disp lays the number of times
the switch attempts link setup.
Call d etai l rec ordi ng (C DR) lin ks ph ysic ally link SPEs t o a rec ord ing devi ce (f or
example, printer) for send ing CDR call records. CDR link are comp osed of a data
channel on the NETCON board or EIA port on the p rocessor circuit pac k, a
digital port and a data module. Two CDR links can exist in the system.
Status inserted = valid card is in the memory card slot, and the switch can
perform I/O operations to the memory c ard.
no card = no card is inserted , or the card has a b ad connection.
unformatted = the card is unformatte d, or the switch cannot
recognized it.
Protection on = the write-protection toggle on the memory card is on; off = the
write-protection togg le on the memory card is off. If the
Write-Protection field is on, the switch cannot store files to the
memory card.
Number of
Erase Pulses A decimal integer ind icating the "wear" condition of the memory c ard.
An erase failure indicates that the software-d efined threshold has b een
reached and the c ard should be rep laced.
Storage Space
Used (%)
Percentage of reserved storag e space for translation files in the
memory card.
This percentage is valid for the sp ecific memory c ard used in the

most recent

save translation operation (implemented with the
save translation command or with sc heduled maintenance and
save translation enabled). If the memor y card is replaced with
another card or if no save translation is p erformed on the new
memory card, the percentage does not indicate the trans lation
storage space used in the new card.
File Name Filename (see “Capacity of Memory Card” table above)
Data Present If the file contains valid d ata, then y displays; otherwise, n.
Date Time This field shows the date and time when the f ile was saved into the
memory card. For the “Software Upg rade” type of memory c ard, this
field contains the system software release numb er instead of the time
stamp. Due to a restriction of “ core dump” file formats, the year
information is not available in the da te/time string.