DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
3-435DATA-CHL (Data Channel)
3. Issue the list data-module command to determine if other DATA-CHLs
are administered. If no other DAT A-CH Ls a re a dministered, administer at
least one at this time.
4. Determine if the DATA-CHLs OTHER THAN the target DATA-CHL are all
in use for some other function (that is, CDR Link, System Printer Link,
Journal Printer Link, PMS Link, or secondary administration terminal
connection) as described p reviously in the "Status of Data Channels"
section. If so, and if it is necessary to completely test the target
DATA-CHL, use the following preference guidelines to free one of the
DATA-CHLs for testing.
a. If a DATA-CHL is being used for a sec ondary administration terminal
connection, busyout that DATA-CHL.
b. Otherwise, if a DATA-CHL is being used for a PMS Link, busyout the
PMS Link.
c. Otherwise, if a DATA-CHL is being used for a Journal Printer Link,
busyout the Journal Printer Link.
d. Otherwise, if a DATA-CHL is being used for an CDR Link, busyout the
CDR Link.
e. Otherwise, if a DATA-CHL is being used for a System Printer Link,
busyout the System Printer Link.
5. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
6. Restore any busied out CDR, System Pri nter, Journal P ri nter, or P MS Link
to service before moving on to another activity.
1006 ABORT For this test, an Error Code of 1006 can have one of several different
a. No other DATA-CHLs are administered and, therefore, not available to
place the call to the target DATA-CHL.
b. All other DATA-CHLs are busy and, therefore, not available to place
the call to the target DATA-CHL.
c. System resources required to run this test are not availab le.
d. Internal system error
Note the results of Tests #110 and #111 in the Short Test Sequence for the
target DATA-CHL. If the results of Tests #110 and #111 are both PASS, then
there is a high probability that the target DATA-CHL is not defective.
Proceed with the remaining steps only if it is necessary to completely test
the target DATA-CHL:
Table 3-187. TEST #109 Data Channel Remote Maintenance Loop Around Test — Continued
Result Description/Recommendation
Continued on next page