DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
3-816MET-LINE (MET Line)
c. This error type indicates that the c ircuit pack has b een removed or has
been insane for more than 11 minutes. To clear the error, reinsert or
replace the circuit pack.
d. This indicates that the EPF has been turned off due to the overc urrent
condition at the voice ter minal. Check for defective wiring , check for a
damaged jac k, and make sure the voice terminal is a MET set. Once the
problem has been resolved , the alarm is retired due to the p assing of time.
e. The particular station audit that causes this error type to be produc ed is
the EPF inquiry audit. If the EPF inquiry receives an "epf-no-load" message
a certain number of times, this error oc curs and, if the EPF inquiry receives
an "epf-on-ok" or an "epf-off-ok" message, it contributes to the resolution of
this alarm.
This indicates that the voice termi nal has probably bee n disconnected o r
that there is a problem in the wiring to t he terminal. Make sure that the
voice terminal is connec ted or check for d efective wiring to the voic e
f. This indicates that something is wrong with the lin k to the voice terminal.
An in-line maintenance error has genera ted an off-board Minor alarm.
Ignore if there are no complaints. Otherwise, ver ify that the voice terminal
is connected, c heck for defective wiring , check for a defec tive voice
terminal, and move voice term inal closer to the switch (in terms of feet of
wire from the jack to the switch). If the p roblem still exists, replace the
circuit pack.
g. This indicates that the station went off-hook while it was in the
ready-for-service state. Use the status system command to determine
the state of the station. The off-hook should have moved the st ation to
ready-for-service. No action is necessary.
h. This is the code that is generated when the li nk between the circuit p ack
and the voice terminal is suc cessfully reset. No action is neces sary.
i. An uplink message being logged that the EPF is one with no load on it. No
action is necessary.
System Technician-Demanded Tests: Descriptions
and Error Codes
Always investigate tests in the order p resented in the table belo w when
inspecting errors in the sy stem. By clearing error cod es associated with the
Port Diagnostic Test,
for example, you may also clear errors g enerated from other
tests in the testing sequenc e.