DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance for csi systems
1-88LED Interpretation
Control and Port Circuit Pack Status LEDs
Each circuit pac k has three LEDs on the front panel visible at the front of the
carrier. On all circuit p acks, except the 650 A Power Unit, the LEDs indicate:
1. Red (alarm) If the circuit pack is c ommunicating with the system, the
system has detected a faul t in this circuit pac k. An on-board alarm for this
circuit pack is displayed in the A larm Log.
The circuit pack also lig hts this LED when either the circuit pac k has not
yet initialized communicat ion with the system or when the circuit p ack
loses contact with the system an d stops functioning (circuit pac k is said to
be “in reset”). In these cases, there may not be an alarm in the Alarm Log.
To determine if the red LED is lit because the circuit p ack is not in contact
with the system, issue the list configuration board PCSS command,
where PCSS refers to the slot containing this circuit pac k. If the system
does not detect the c ircuit pack, this c ommand returns Identifier not
assigned or no board.
If the circuit pack has just been inserted, the system ma y still be initializing
the circuit pac k. If, after 5 minutes, the circuit p ack still has not initialized
communications with the system, c heck the MO for any spec ial
instructions (for example, EPN Maintenance c ircuit pack c an stop
EXP-INTF circuit pack from initializing). If the MO does not p rovide the
needed information, p erform the following steps:
Check the Error Log for TONE-BD and TDM-BUS errors. Enter test
tdm P where P is the port network containing the relevant slot.
Refer to ‘‘Restarting Nonfunctioning Port Circuit Packs’’ in the
general descrip tion of the ‘‘TDM-BUS (TDM Bus)’’. Enter test
tone-clock PC, where P is the network containing the relevant slot,
and C is the carrier contai ning the relevant slot. Follow approp riate
sections for any TONE-BD and TDM-BUS errors.
Reseat the suspect circuit p ack.

Reseating some circuit pac ks may be very destru ctive (for example,

Control Carrier circuit packs.)

Wait 5 minutes. Then issue the list configuration board PCSS
command. If the result indic ates that the system still has not
registered the circuit pack, go to next step .
Try to insert the circuit pack into a d ifferent slot and try to insert a
different circuit pac k into the suspect slot (p rovided the
maintenance documentatio n for this circuit pac k does not warn
against either of these actions).
If the system seems to be functioning c orrectly, but the circuit pac k
does not start communic ating with the system, replac e the circuit