DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
3-1084TDM-CLK (TDM Bus Clock)
If no new instances of the 2305 errors were logg ed for either test,
then enter test tone-clock PC long clear to clear the TDM-CLK
errors and the procedu re is complete.
3. For Port Networks with more than one Tone-Clock circuit pack,
interchange Tone-Clocks with the set tone-clock PC, then run test
synchronization r 10, and check to see if new 2305 errors are
reported against the new Tone-Clock circ uit pack. If not, replace
the Tone-Clock circuit pack. If this c lears the error, the problem has
been resolved.
4. If the problem is still not cle ared, and the Tone-Clock circuit pac k
reported in the error log has not b een replaced up to now, replace
System Technician-Demanded Tests:
Descriptions and Error Codes
Always investigate tests in the order p resented in the table belo w. By clearing
error codes associated with the
SAKI Res et Test
for example, you may also clear
errors generated from other tests in the testing sequence.
a. Refer to ‘‘XXX-BD ( Commo n Port C ircui t Pack )’’ for descrip tions of these
Order of Investigation
Short Test
Long Test
Reset Board
Sequence D/ND1
1. D = Destructive; ND = Nondestruc tive
SAKI Reset Test (#53) (a) X D
Clock Health Test (#46) (b) X X ND
Control Channel Looparound Test (#52) (a) X X ND
Tone Generator Crosstalk Test (#90) (c) X ND
Tone Generator Transmission T es t (#40) (c) X X ND
Tone Generator Audit/Update Test (#41) (c) X X ND
TDM Bus Clock Circuit Status Inquiry Test
(#148) XX ND
TDM Bus Clock PPM Inquiry Test (#150) X X ND
TDM Bus Clock Parameter Update Test
(#151) XX ND
Board Type Check Test (#574) X X ND