DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Commands
2-281status health
CP Proportion of the CPU that is dedicated to call processing . This
occupanc y has priority over SM and IDLE occup ancy categories, and if
needed, takes proc essor time from these occup ancy categories. This
percentage is round ed to the nearest integer.
Idle Available proportion of the CPU. This percentage is rounded to the
nearest integer.
Active SPE A or B indicate the activ e processor comp lex. When the active
processor comp lex is locked on-line with lock switching on DUPINT, the
“lock” op tion displays; otherwise, “ auto” displays.
Duplicated? Dupl icat ion st atus o f the SPE c omp onent . “y” = d upl icat ion;
“n” = no d uplication.
SPE Power Power source for the processor complex. (commercial) When
commercial power is unavailable, battery bac kup is in use and is
indicated with “ backup”.
Time Source The current timing source. Disp lay values for this field vary accor ding to
timing sources selected . “external” = For Stratum-3 hardware, “internal”
= an internal source, suc h as a tone clock.
Primary and secondary timing sources must be ad ministered for the
Stratum-4 option. “primary” = the primary admin istered source is in use,
“secondary” = the administered sec ondary source is in use. “local” =
neither the primary or second ary sources are in use.
# Logins Number of current users.
Cab Assigned cab inet number (1 to the highest system c abinet number).
Emerg Trans Settings for emergency transfer switc hes on the maintenance board for
each cabinet. Availab le options are: auto-on (“auto+ ” or “a+ ”), auto-off
(“auto-” or “a-”) , “on”, “off”, and “n.a.”. The system defaults to “auto+ ” or
“auto-”. In this state, emerg ency transfer activate automatic ally if the
cabinet fails (“+ ”=emerge ncy transfer is activate, “-” = emergenc y
transfer is inactive). “on” = emergency transfe r automatically activates.
“off ”=t he c abin et ca nnot a ctiv ate em erge ncy t ransf ers. D upli cate d SPEs
systems = switch setting s for both processors of the PPN (cab inet 1)
display. In this case, “ auto+” is ab breviated “a+ ”, “auto-” is ab breviated
“a-”, and “ off” is abbreviated “of”. “on” does not change. “ n.a.” = the
emergency transfer switc h setting is unavailable.
Mj Number of major alarms associated with the cabinet. Asterisks are used
to fill fields when numbers exc eed 99.
Mn Number of minor alarms associated with the cabinet. Asterisks are used
to fill fields when numbers exc eed 99.
Wn Number of warnings associa ted with the cabinet. Asterisks are us ed to
fill fields when numbers exc eed 99.