DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
3-9ADX8D-BD (AUDIX Circuit Pack)
ADX8D-BD (AUDIX Circuit Pack)
The ADX8D-BD maintenance object represents a TN566/TN2169 DEFINITY
AUDIX circuit pack (sometimes c alled Embedded AUDIX) operating in
dig ital-p ort ( DP) mod e. For circ uit p ack p roble ms, se e “XXX-BD (Comm on Port
Circuit Pack)”. Port level problems are covered by ADX8D-PT.
DEFINITY AUDIX consists of 2 circuit p acks that occup y 4 slots in a port cabinet.
The tests described in this manual apply only to switch-sid e maintenance which
tests circuit pack components related to the TDM bus interfac e. The AUDIX
system has an extensive maintenance strateg y that is described in
AUDIX System Maintenance
, 585-300-110.
MO Name (in
Alarm Log) Alarm Level Initial Command To Run1
1. Where P is the port network number (1 for PP N) ; C is the carrier designation (for example,
A, B,or C); SS is the address of the slot in the carrier where the circuit pack is located (for
example, 01, 02, ..., etc.).
Full Name of MO
WARNINGS test b oard PCSS sh AUDIX Circuit Pack