DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
3-628E-DIG-BD (Multi Application Platform Board)
E-DIG-BD (Multi Application Platform Board)
The maintenance strategy for DIG800-BD is the same as the one described for
MO-COMBD (MO-XXX-BD). Maintenance testing of the common c ircuit pack is
hand led b y on -boa rd fi rmwar e and SPE-co ntrol led t ests. Maint enan ce so ftwar e
queries the firmware for error and alarm infor mation, status, and test results. The
firmw are au tomat ica lly re port s erro r co ndit ions t hat w ill res ult i n SPE-co ntrol led

Board Insertion

The switch makes an additional b oard query if any of the fo llowing circuit p acks
are inserted:
For any of the above initial board up -links, the switch sends q ueries requesting
additional data from the b oard for administration p urposes, while also telling the
board the switch software release and the system type.
For the native mode, the response to the board query downlink messag es
consists of several CCMS uplink messages that i dentify the true board c ode,
vintage, suffix, emulation type, and the number of reserved slots it need s.


The common circuit pac k is considered "hyperac tive" if the service dispatc her
receives 200 up-link messages from the circuit pack in a 10-second period .
Since MAPD has 32 ports, the hyperac tivity limit is increased to 500 up -link
messages per 10second s. An alarm is issued and the b oard taken out of service
when the limit reaches 400 or when it hits 500 up-li nk messages in 10 second s.
MO Name (in
Alarm Log)
Level Initial Command to Run1
1. Where P is the port network number (1 for PPN); C is the carrier designation (for example,
A, B, or C); and SS is the address of the slot in the carrier where the circuit pack is located
(for example, 01, 02,...).
Full Name of MO
DIG800-BD MIN test board PCSS sh MO800DIG-BD
DIG800-BD WRN test board PCSS sh MO800DIG-BD
Circuit Pack Vintage
TN754 49