DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
Some other command actions c an also interfere with daily maintenanc e when
certain qualifiers are used in the command, or under c ertain circumstance s. For
example, certain “te st” commands, when used with the modifier “con tinuously”,
could potentially inter fere with daily maintenance. However, suc h command
actions are not used typically by customer administrators doing routine
administration, and are less likely to d isrupt daily maintenanc e routines than are
the add, change, duplicate, remove, and set command ac tions.
Incomplete Command Time-out
A time -out f eatur e has b een a dde d to t he MAI NTENANC E-RELATED SYSTEM
PARAMETERS form (accessed by the command change system parameters
maintenance). This feature improves the operation of daily mai ntenance by
allowing maintenance routines to run that mig ht otherwise not run. It also helps to
prevent the loss of translations that were not saved by the save translation
command, and were also not sa ved because d aily maintenance was prevented
from running prior to the system reset. Hig hlights of the feature include:
Options for blank, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 hours (t he default is 2 hours)
The blank option indicate s that the feature is not active
Only commands that bloc k the running of daily maintenanc e (add,
change, dup licate, remove, and set) are affected
All logins will time-out if any of these c ommands are active for the
prescribed tim e (except for the “b lank” option)
The feature applies to all logins, regard less of type (init, dadmi n, craft,
inads) or permissions g ranted to the specific login ID of an administration
or maintenance user
The corresponding “ time-out” entry is app ended to the list history log
The new Command Time-out field can be viewed b y customer administrators.
A craft, init, dadmin, or in ads login is required to c hange the option for the field .
for DEFINITY R8r. Screen 3-4 shows an example of the LIST HISTORY form with
the “time-out” entry. The final line indicates that the command change
monitor upgrade
Table 3-232. DEFINITY Command Actions — Continued
Likely to
Less Likely to
Continued on next page