DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
3-129ATM-BCH (ATM B-Channel Trunk)
b. Error Type 129: the far-end switch changed its ISDN service state to either
out-of-service or maintenance. This may b e a temporary cond ition
because the far-end is testi ng that trunk or a hardware prob lem with the
trunk. Outgoing calls may not b e allowed over that trunk.
1. Investigate the trunk status (status trunk
c. Error Type 130: the circuit pack has been removed or has been insane for
more than 11 minutes.
1. Reinsert or replace the circuit pa ck to clear the error.
d. Error Type 257: SETUP received for a B-channel that is in an inva lid
service state. Service states may be inc ompatible at the two end s of the
trunk. A normal call was received while the B-channel was MTC/FE,
MTC/NE, OOS/FE, or OOS/NE or a test call was received while the
B-channel was OOS/FE or OOS/NE.
e. Error Type 513: RELease COMplete message recei ved with cause value
82 (nonexistent channel). The B-channel may not b e administered at the
far end. The trunk has been plac ed in the OOS/FE state.
f. Error Type 769: inconsistent SERVice or SERVice ACKnowledge
message. Possible causes:
SERVice or SE RVice ACKnowledge message received containing a
change status that is more available than the p reviously-transmitted
SERVice message.
Unsolicited SERVice ACKnowledge message rec eived containing a
change status that does not ma tch the current B-channel state.
ISDN-PRI service-state negotiation rules have been violated and may
indicate that a pend ing service-state aud it is failing. The system
cancels the maintenance timer
increments the Service State Audit cou nter
attempts a Service State Audit
When running the Short Test Sequence, pay close attention to the results
of the Service State Audit Test (#256).
g. Error Type 1793: TN230x circuit pack has failed. The maintenanc e system
places the trunk in the OOS/NE state
sends a SERvice message to the far-end (if p ossible) containing a
change status of OOS for the B-channel
returns the trunk to service when the ATM trunk circuit pac k reports
the failure cleared
h. Error Type 3073: Service State Audit attempt failed (see Test #256). Calls
can be received but not placed until the test passes and the trunk state
returns to In-Service.
1. Check the trunk status (status trunk