DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
3-520DIG-LINE (Digital Line)
Digital Station Audits Test (#17)
This is a seri es of s ix tes ts whi ch ar e cla ssifi ed as a udit s. The SPE s ends
messages to the on-board mic roprocessor to perform th e following tests. These
audits run only if the station is in-service .
Switchhook Inquiry Test This is an up date of the SPE r ecor ds ac cord ing
to the circuit pac k’s records. This inquiry is sent all the way t o the voice
Bad Scan Inquiry Test A message is sent uplink which contains a count
that is generated due to c ertain events relating to the link con ditions. This
can be an indic ation of communications p roblems between the Processor
and Digital Port circuit p ack.
EPF/PT C Inquiry T est F or a TN754 vintage 13 or earlier, the status of the
Electronic Power Feed (EPF) is sent uplink. Possible conditions are:
EPF-on-ok, EPF-off, and EPF-no-load. For TN754 vintage 14 or later,
TN754B or TN2136, TN2181, TN2224, the status of the Positive
Temperature Coefficient (PTC) is sent uplink. Possible conditions are:
PTC-o n-ok , PTC- off, and PTC-n o-lo ad.
ID Request Test A request is made to the station for its status. The
station sends its config uration information and health information b ack.
This information is checked and a pass/fail result is provid ed.
Ringer Update Test This updates the digital telep hone ringer state
according to the processor records.
DTMF Administration Update Test This is a message to the digital
station to refresh the default value which c auses the station to send
touch-tones only in the primary in formation channel. This value is set
initially when the station is put in-service and every time the station’s state
changes from other states to in-service.
PASS The message to light all of the stat i on lamps was sent succe s sfully to the
1. Observe the station lamps being lit when running the test. If all lamps
do not light successfully, the other Digital Line test results may indicate
related problems that will not allow the lamps to light.
2. Investigate by using other Digital Line port tests, and by examining the
station, wiring, and connections.
Table 3-219. TEST #16 DIG-LINE Station Lamp Updates Test — Continued
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page