DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Commands
2-65display errors
Name Lists the logical name of the maintenanc e object with an error
logged against it.
Alt Name Identifies the location of maintenanc e object, as follows:
Station = extension number
Trunk = Group number (78/__) or group and memb er
numbers (78/01)
Private CO Line = private CO line (P) and g roup number
Error Type Lists the error number for the type of p roblem encountered for
this maintenance objec t. The technician must use this error
number in conjunction wi th the logical name information to
determine the exact nature of the error.
Aux Data Lists additional information c oncerning the maintenance ob ject
error condition. Like the error typ e, this data will be spec ific to the
maintenance object t ype. However, unlike the error code, only
the most recent value of the auxiliary da ta will be retained for
each error record.
First Occur Displays the month, day, hour, and minute (and second if the
high-resolution command line option is used) that the error was
first recorded.
Seq Cnt Sequence Count - This number indic ates the order of errors
logged within a sec ond for the time stamps associated with the
first occurrence and last occurrence of an error. This information
is displayed only if the high-resolution command line op tion is
entered. There may be gap s for the sequence numbers within a
given second sinc e the last occurrence of a n error may replace
an existing entry that had b een assigned the missing seq uence
number. Gaps may also ap pear in the numbers since seq uence
counts are also used with software event informat ion not shown in
the hardware error log.
Last Occur Displays the month, day, hour, and minute (and second if the
high-resolution command line option is used) of the most recent
error. Note: if the system is unable to retrieve the time of d ay
when the error occurred, a ‘d ummy’ date will be stamped in the
log and app ears as: 00/00/01:07.
Err Cnt Error Count - The total number of times that the error type has
occurred for this mainten ance object. If the number o f errors
exceeds 3 dig its, the system enters the number 256, which
indicates that a larger numb er of errors occurred, b ut could not
be displayed correctly.