DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
3-333CARD-MEM (Memory Card)
b. System software cannot recognize the inserted memory card bec ause the
inserted memory card is not formatted or the directories i n the memory
card are corrupted . The system cannot use this memory card . The
memory card must be rep laced with a good m emory card.
c. The inserted memory card d oes not have enough storage sp ace to
support system oper ations, such as saving translations and, if ap plicable,
announcements; or, the memory card is a system-upgrade memor y card
that cannot be used for sa ving translations. This hardware error raises a
WARNING/OFF_ BOAR D alarm. The memory card should be replaced with
one of the recommended size.
The Aux Data field c ontains the following error codes :
d. The write-protection switch of the memory c ard is in the "protected"
position. A write-protected memory card can not b e erased or written.
Before entering the test command to resolv e the alarm, follow the
standard proced ure for taking the memory card out of the slot. Then,
change the "write-protection" switch to th e "not-protected" position. Finally,
insert the memory card b ack into the slot.
e. The memory card has been detec ted with a broken director y. A
MINOR/OFF_BOARD alarm is raised when maintenance cannot restore
the broken dir e ct ory. The me m o r y ca r d m u s t be repla c e d be f o r e the te s t t o
resolve the alarm is run.
101 Inserted memory card is a system-upgrade memory card
102 While the announcement feature is in use, no announcement file is
available in the memory card
103 The inserted memory card is a system-upgrade memory card, and,
while the announcement feature is in use, no announcement file is
available in the memory card.
116 The capacity of the inserted memory card doesn’t match the system
118 While the announcement feature is in use, no announcement file is
available in the memory card, and the capacity of the inserted memory
card doesn’t match the system configuration.
132 System translation reaches a 98% c apacity of the memory c ard
reserved storage space.
134 While the announcement feature is in use, no announcement file is
available in the memory card, and system translation reaches a 98%
capacity of the memory card reserved storage spac e.
148 The capacity of the inserted memory card doesn’t match the system
configuration, and system translation reaches a 98% capacity of the
memory card reserved storage space.
150 While the announcement feature is in use, no announcement file is
available in the memory card, and the capacity of the inserted memory
card doesn’t match the system configuration. Also, the system
translation reaches a 98% capacity of the memory card reserved
storage space.