DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Commands
2-265status conference
Endpoint Miscellaneous (EPT MISC) Information. EPT MISC cont ains
miscellaneous states and counter s for an end point. Flags can y or n. Counters
start with 0x00, increment to 0xff, and wrap around to 0x01. AIM and VIS are
BAS commands that can b e sent as input to MCU from an endpoint o r as output
from MCU to an endpoint
Field descriptions
MLP Multi Layer Protocol data mode. When technic ians administer Data
Modes as any-mlp or ww-pcs, MLP modes should be var-MLP.
Other values affect video status.
MLP modes should be MLP-off when technic ians administer Data
Modes as none. Other values in this mode aff ect video status.
H_MLP The H i gh Speed MLP mo de . The HM L P mode s h o u l d be H-MLP-off.
Other values in this mode will affect vid eo status.
LSD Low Speed Data mode. The LSD mode should b e LSD-off. Other
values in this mode affect vid eo status.
HSD High Speed Data mode. The HSD mode should be HSD-off. Other
values in this mode affect vid eo status.
CRYPT Encryption mode. The CRYPT mode should be encrypt-off. Other
values in this mode affect vid eo status.
S/M Single/Multi channel interoperab ility mode. 6B-H0-comp indicates
that the sender is interoperating multiple channels and a single
channel (for example, 6B and H0). Not-comp-6B-H0 indicates that
the sender is not interoperating between 6B and H0. Normally this
value is Not-comp-6B-H0. Other values in this mode affec t video
AIM Audio Indicat e Mutes.
“y” = For input, this e ndpoint mutes its audio. MCU d oes not VAS to an
endpoint disp laying mute. For output, all other endp oints in the
conference mute their audio (ha ve sent AIM to MCU). MCU in turn tells
this endpoint (by send ing it AIM) that there is no audi o output from
“n” = For input, this endpoint does not mute (only if endpoint audio
mode is turned on). For output, an aud io path opens acros s the bridge.
VIS Video Indicate Suppressed.
“y” = For input, this end point suppresses its vid eo (video is muted). For
output, the MCU is not sending v ideo to this endpoint b ecause there is
no video broadc aster (broadcast er does not join or broad caster’s video
is invalid).