DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance for csi systems
1-6How to use the Maintenance book
Options for blank, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 hours (t he default is 2 hours)
The blank option indicate s that the feature is not active
Only commands that bloc k the running of daily maintenan ce (add,
change, dup licate, remove, and set) are affected
All logins will time-out if any of these c ommands are active for the
prescribed tim e (except for the “b lank” option)
The feature applies to all logins, regard less of type (init, dad min, craft,
inads) or permissions g ranted to the specific login ID of an administration
or maintenance user
The corresponding “ time-out” entry is app ended to the list history lo g.
How to use the Maintenance book
This procedure begin s with the system raising an alarm ag ainst a Maintenance
Object (MO), a software module that monitors the components of a c ircuit pack.
These components can inc lude:
System (processor) availability and conditions
Presence of and physical c onnections (copp er, fiber) to other comp onents
Presence of certain signals (sync hronization, DS1) within specific
Environment (power, cabinet tempe rature sensors)
Table 1-1. Alarm levels, reporting conditions and action to take
level Description
console? What action to take?
MAJOR Critical service
degradation Y Yes, after 4
attempts to
call INADS
Immediate attention
MINOR Some service
degradation but does not
render the system
Y Same as
above Check to see what servic e
is affected
WARNING Failure that causes no
significant service
1. Some system-downgraded Warning alarms are reported to INADS.
N Monitor the situation. May
be service or equ ip ment
interruption or failure
outside the switch.