DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects

3-597DS1-BD (DS1 Interface Circuit Pack)

In addition, the DS1 circuit p ack hardware applies a DC current while the test is running in order to detec t any broken wires which may not be d etected by the loopback pattern.When the test is complete, all trunks or por ts on the TN767E DS1 Interface circuit pack are restored to the in-servic e state after the release board command is entered.
Table 3-249. TEST #1210 CSU Equipment Loopback Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
ABORT Internal system error
1. Retry
est ds1-loop UUCSS ds1/csu-loopback-tests at 1-minute intervals
a maximum of 5 times.
1005 ABORT CSU Equipment Loopback Test cannot be executed in the current
configuration. To run this test, the
Near-End CSU Type
field on the DS1 circuit
pack administration form must be set to
and the "Bit Rate" field must
be set to "1.544" (24-channel operation).
1. Use the change ds1 UUCSS command to set the
Near-End CSU Type
on the DS1 circuit pack administration form to
, and/or change
the "Bit Rate" field to "1.544" if the board is to be used in the 24-channel
2. Retry test ds1-loop UUCSS ds1/csu-loopback-tests.
1015 ABORT Ports on the DS1 Interface circuit pack have not been busied out to
1. Enter the busyout board UUCSS command to put all trunks or ports of the
DS1 Interface circuit pack into the out-of-service state.
2. Retry the command.
1039 ABORT The DS1 Interface circuit pack is providing timing for the system. Executing this
test could cause major system disruption.
If the DS1 Interface circuit pack needs to be tested, set the synchronization
reference to another DS1 Interface circuit pack or to the Tone-Clock circuit pack
via the following command sequence:
1. Issue the disable synchronization-switch command.
2. Next, issue the set synchronization UUCSS command.
3. Lastly, issue the enable synchronization-switch command.
Continued on next page