DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
3-381CO-DS1 (DS1 CO Trunk)
1018 ABORT The test was disabled via translation. You may want to determine why the
test has been disabled before you enable it.
1. Verify that the Maintenance Test field on the Tru nk Administration
screen is set to n. To enable the test, change the trunk administration
and enter y into the Maintenance Test field.
2. Repeat the test.
1020 ABORT The test did not run due to a previously existing error on the specific port or
a more general circuit pack error.
1. Examine Error Log for existing errors against this port or the circuit
pack and attempt to diagnose the previously existing error.
2000 ABORT Response to the test request was not received within the allowable time
2100 ABORT System resources required for this test are not available.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
2053 ABORT At least one of the following errors was found on the DS1 circuit pack: loss
of signal (1281), blue alarm (1793), red alarm (2049), yellow alarm (2305),
or hyperactivity (1537).
1. Look for the above error types in the Hardware Error Log and follow the
procedures given in the appropriate DS1-BD or UDS1-BD
maintenance documentation for the listed error types.
Any FAIL 1 . Enter the list configuration board PCSS command. If the circuit
pack is a TN767B vintage 8 or 9, replace the circuit pack with a
TN767C V3 or later.The error log may have error type 1281 entries.
2. Test all administered trunks on the board. If one fails, this could be an
off-board prob lem (such as an incoming seizure o r an off-hook port
seizure during the test). Retest the board.
3. If several ports fail, check the error log for TONE-BD or TONE-PT
errors. If there are such errors, take the appropriate action. When the
TONE errors have cleared, rerun the te st.
4. If the retry passes and troubles have been reported, coordinate
isolation with the CO. Make sure that the switch, the CO, and any
NTCE equipment (the CSU’s) have the correct administration.
5. Replace the circuit pack.
If the conference circuit test fails for all ports on a circuit pack, a -5
volt power problem is indicated.
Table 3-168. TEST #7 Conference Circuit TestContinued
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page