DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
3-493DIG-IP-STN (Digital IP Station)
Registration Status Inquiry (#1372)
The Registration status inquiry reports the H.323 reg istration status of the
endpoint. An endp oint must be registered and authenticated in order to rec eive
service from the system.
Registration is initiated when the endp oint user attempts to login using the Lucent
registration software applic ation running on the endpoint PC. The user must
provide a valid extension and security code. The registration messa ges are sent
to the IP address of a C-LAN ethernet port .
A registered extension has a port typ e SNNNNN, where N is a digit from 0-9. A
non-registered extension has an X port.
Table 3-206. TEST #1372 Registration Status Inquiry
Result Description/Recommendation
1,2,3 FAIL The endpoint is not succ essfully registered.
1. Verify that the user is entering:
the correct extension and security code
the C-LAN IP address
2. Verify that the extension has been enabled for IP softphone
3. If many endpoints cannot register, investigate any errors of the
C-LAN ethernet port.
4. Examine the ethernet cabling from the endpoint PC to the ethernet
PASS The endpoint is successfully registered and continues to respond to
registration handshaking.
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