DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
3-705INADS (INADS Link)
The INADS Link MO represents the software and communicat ions link required
by the switch to make a ca ll to the Initialization and Administratio n System
(INADS). The purpose of the INADS Link MO is to check the co mmunications link
between the DEFINITY Generic 1 and INADS and verify that the alarm notification
process works correctl y. An INADS technician can test the process remotel y to
verify that alarms are reported to INAD S, or a system technician may want to test
the connection while on-site at installa tion time or during sub sequent service
Although the INADS Link MO is never alarmed, the errors are log ged. The errors
are only logged as a result of the test inads-link command being issued.
Error Log Entries and Test to Clear Values
The Hardware Error Log entries are describ ed as part of the INADS Link Test

Short and Long Test Sequences

The test inads-link c ommand is different from other test com mands. This
command does not have a long or short option, and the test on the INADS Link
does not have an associated tes t number. When the test inads-link command is
issued, the user immediately sees eith er the Command successfully
completed or Command failed message.

INADS Link Test (no test number)

The INADS Link Test attempts to place a call to INADS (in the background ) to
verify the communications link to INADS. When the test inads-link comm and is
issued, the user immediately sees eith er the Command successfully
completed or Command failed message. When a previously run command is
entered, the user immediately sees either Command successfully
completed or Command failed. The Command failed message appears
when a previously run test inads-link command is in progress or the system has
active alarms which must b e reported to INADS. The Command successfully
completed means the switch will start the attempt to c all INADS in two minutes
(the test still runs even if Alarm Origination is disabled). The two-minute d elay
allows a remote INADS technician time enough to hang up the call and thus free
up the INADS line so that the switch can call INADS ba ck. As error conditions are
encountered, errors are logg ed against INADS. Error codes 1 through 9 can be
MO Name (in
Alarm Log)
Level Initial Command to Run Full Name of MO
INADS none test inads-link INADS Link