DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects

3-911PKT-INT (Packet Interface)

Table 3-391. TEST #887 Read and Clear Board Counters
Result Description/ Recommendation
1137 ABORT Packet Interface is in the out-of-service state so normal maintenance tests
will not run on it.
1. Use the

display system-parameters maintenance

command to identify
which C-LAN circuit pack is administered with the Bus Bridge. Verify that
the C-LAN circuit pack is present and is not alarmed.
2. Reset the Packet Interface using the reset packet-interface AS command. Refer to the Packet Interface Reset Test (#889) maintenance documentatio n for repair procedures.
2000 ABORT Response to the test request was not received within the allowable time
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals, a maximum of 3 tim es.
2500 ABORT Internal system error.
1. Retry the command.
BOARD The Packet Interface is not detected as being physically present.
1. Reboot the system, then retry the command. If the NO BOARD indication persists, replace the TN798 Processor circuit pack.
FAIL The Packet Interface has an error counter set. The following error codes are
possible: 256: Parity error 512: FIFO overflow 768: Parity error and FIFO
overflow error. If error code 256 or 768 is reported, the Packet Interface
received a parity error off the Packet Bus.
a. First check for alarms logged ag ainst the Packet Bus. Refer to the
PKT-BUS maintenance documentation to clear those errors first.
b. Then check for alarms and errors logged against other circuit packs
connected to the Packet bus. A list of packet circuit pac ks is
presented in the first section of this repair procedure. Refer to the
repair procedures for those circuit packs, in this manual, to clear
those errors first.
c. Replace the TN798 Processor circuit pack at a time that would cause
the least disruption of service. The circuit pack is still functional but
should be replaced.
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