DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Commands
2-313status tti
The following example shows the output for the status tti command.
Field descriptions
Task State:
State of the tti background maintenance task:
generating tti ports:
removing tti ports:
not active:
completed - all ports translated: the last execution
of the background task completed norm ally
completed - some ports not translated: the task
completed d ue to resource exhaustion with some ports left
TTI State: The tti state: displays off (TTI feature not enabled for the system),
or if enabled, then the field d isplays what kind of tti port s are being
generated or removed (voice, data).
# of Boards
Completed: Number of TTI-supported boards that have been processed by the
background main ten anc e task:
completed: board has either had all i ts unadministered port s
translated as TTI ports or its TTI ports have been removed and
are now unadministered ports. This d epends on whether the
TTI background task is gene rating or removing tti ports .
# of Boards
Left to
Number of TTI-supported b oards that have not yet been
processed b y the background maintenance task.
Complete: Ratio of the of number of boards c ompleted comp ared to the
number of boards left to p rocess.
status tti Page 1 of 1
TTI Background Task State: generating tti ports
TTI State: voice
# of Boards Completed: 30
# of Boards Left to Process: 120
Percent Complete: 25
Elapsed Time since Task Started: 0:15