DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
3-437DATA-CHL (Data Channel)
FAIL In the case of Error Codes 40 and 41, the Remote Maintenance Loop Around
Test failed because the data received over the connection d id not match the
data sent over the connection (data was corrupted). In the case of Error
Codes 2000, 2003, and 2004, the Remote Maintenance Loop Around Test
failed because t he data looped ov er the connection was not received (data
was lost).
However, because it involves two DATA-CHLs, the test’s failure is not
sufficient to indict either one of the two DATA-CHLs as defective.
1. Check the dial plan to make sure that the extensions of the data channel
are set up as local extensions rather than remote or UDP extensions.
2. Determine which of the DATA-CHLs is in use for some other function
(that is, CDR Link, System Print er L ink, Journal Printer Link, PMS Link, or
secondary admi n istration terminal connec tion) as describ ed in the
"Status of Data Channels" section.
3. Note the test results for Tests #110 and #111 in the Short Test Sequence
for the target DATA-CHL and refer to Steps 4, 5, and/or 6 to determine
the appropriate actions to take based on those results.
4. If the result of Test #110 is PASS and the result of Test #111 is PASS for
the target DATA-CHL, then the most likely problem is that the arbitrarily
chosen DATA-CHL is defective.
Run the Short T est Sequence for each DATA-CHL that is not in use for
some other function. Note the test results for Tests #110 and #111 for
each of them.
If the results of Tests #110 and #111 are both FAIL for at least one of
the other DATA-CHLs, investigate the possibility of a d efective
arbitrarily chosen DATA-CHL.
a. Issue the remove data-module <ext> for each DATA-CHL for
which the results of Tests #110 and #111 were both FAIL to
remove the DATA-CHL from operation.
b. Repeat the test.
c. Replace the Processor circuit pack at your earliest
Replace the circuit pack as describ ed in Chapter 5, "Routine
Maintenance Procedures".
After the Processor circuit pack has been replaced, its Time-of-Day
clock must be set using the set time command.
5. If the results of Tests #110 and #111 are not both FAIL for any one of the
other DATA-CHLs that are not in use for some other function, investigate
the possibility of a defective TDM Bus as described in Step 5.
Table 3-187. TEST #109 Data Channel Remote Maintenance Loop Around Test — Continued
Result Description/Recommendation
Continued on next page