DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects

If the TN788 Voice Conditioner Circuit Pack (VC-BD) is not Vintage 2 or

later, it must be replaced .

The TN788 Voice Conditioner Circuit Pack (VC-BD) is a service circ uit pack that
provides cond itioning for the audio signals from m ultimedia equipment b ased on
the CCITT H.221 standard. The TN788 transcodes, gain adjusts, an d bridges the
audio bit streams demultip lexed by the TN787 (MMI) circuit p ack and transmits
encoded, exc lusive audio conference sums onto the TDM bu s so that the MMI
can multiplex the audio, video, and data streams for the H.221 end points.
MO Name (in
Alarm Log)
Level Initial Command to Run1
1. Where P is the port network number (1 for PP N); C is the carrier designation (for example, A, B,
or C); and SS is the address of the slot in the carrier where the circuit pack is located (for
example, 01, 02,...).
Full Name of MO
VC-BD MAJOR test b oard PC SS l r# Voice C ondit ioner C ircui t Pack
VC-BD MINOR te st boar d PCSS l r# Voic e Cond ition er Circ uit Pac k
2. Refer to XXX-BD (Common Port Board) Maintenance documentation.
test board PCSS s r# Voice Conditioner Circuit Pack