DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
3-1064TDM-BUS (TDM Bus)

Since the TDM Bus fault isolation procedure involv es removing circuit p acks

and possibly d isconnecting e ntire carriers, the proced ure is extremely

destructive to the por t network that contains the TDM Bus being tested. If

possible, this proc edure should be used after hours or during hours wi th

minimum system use.

As circuit pac ks are removed or entire carriers are dis connected, any ac tive calls
terminating on those circui t packs or carriers are d ropped. If the system
technician has any hints ab out a particular circ uit pack that may b e causing the
TDM Bus problem (for example, a new c ircuit pack was inser ted into the Port
Network just before the TDM Bus problem app eared), then those hints should b e
investigated before p erforming this proc edure.
For this procedure, make sure at least one Tone Detector circuit p ack is in the
same Port Network in which the TDM Bus fault is being i solated. The Tone
Detector circuit p ack is needed b y maintenance to test the TDM Bus.
Procedure 1
This procedure is an attempt to isolate the TDM Bus fault to circuit p acks that are
essential to the system operation. For each of the following circuit pac ks, perform
Procedure 1.
1. Display the Hardware Error and Alarm Log s for the circuit pac k via the
display errors and display alarms command s.
2. If there are errors for the circuit pac k, refer to its Maintenance
documentation and tr y to resolve the errors.
3. Whether or not all the errors can be cleared , test the TDM Bus again via
the test tdm P command.
4. If some TDM Bus tests fail, continue with the next circu it pack.
5. If there are no more circuit packs in th e list, go to Procedure 2.
6. If all the TDM Bus tests pass, the problem has b een fixed.
Circuit Pack Error Log Names
Tone-C loc k TONE-BD , TONE- PT, and TDM- CLK
Network Control SW-CTL
Tone Detector DETR-BD, GPTD-PT, and DTMR-PT