DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
3-936PPP-PT (Control LAN Packet/Port)
1125 ABORT PPP link no t in ser vice.
1. Verify whether ppp link is in service (status port UUCSSpp or status
link n).
2. If the ppp link is not in service, release the link (release link n or
release port UUCSSpp).
3. Repeat the test.
4. Escalate if the problem persists.
2000 ABORT Response to the test was not received from the CLAN circuit pack within
the allowable time period.
1. If this result occurs repeatedly, attempt to reset the circuit pack if the
other ports on the board are not in use (Yellow LED is off). Reset the
circuit pack (busyout board UUCSS, re set board UUCSS, and
release board UUCSS).
2. If this result occurs again, replace the circuit pac k.
2012 ABORT Internal system error.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals, up to 3 times.
2. Escalate if the problem persists.
2100 ABORT Could not allocate the necessary system resources to run test.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals, up to 5 times.
2. Escalate if the problem persists.
2500 ABORT Internal system error.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals, up to 3 times.
2. Escalate if the problem persists.
1003 FAIL Ping to the destination failed due to on-board problem.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals, up to 3 times.
2. If the problem persists, reset the circuit pack (busyout board UUCSS,
reset board UUCSS, and release board UUCSS).
3. If the problem persists, re-administer the PPP connection through a
different PPP port, if available.
4. If the pr oblem still p ersis ts, or i f there are no o ther av ailab le PPP por ts,
replace the circuit pack.
Table 3-403. TEST #1281 TCP/IP Ping Test — Continued
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page