DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance for csi systems
1-48Troubleshooting Features
Holding time is the elapsed time from when a trunk is accessed to the time a
trunk is released. When ACA is enabled throug h administration, the system
measures the holding time of eac h call.
A short holding time limit and a long holding time limit are p reset by the System
Manager for each trunk group . The short holding time limit can b e from 0 to 160
seconds. The long hold ing time limit can be from 0 to 10 hours. The measured
holding time for each c all is compared to the p reset limits for the trunk group
being used.
Measurements are not made on personal CO lines, out -of-service trunks, or
trunks undergoing maintenanc e testing.
Busy Verification of Terminals and Trunks
A multi-appearance vo ice terminal or attendant console e quipped with a “ verify”
button is required.
Busy Verification of Terminals and Trunks allows a user at a voice terminal or
attendant console to make test c alls to trunks, voice terminals, and hunt g roups
(DDC/UCD). These test calls check the status of an ap parently busy resource.
This provides an easy method to d istinguish between a voice termi nal or
resource that is truly busy and one that only appears busy b ecause of a trouble
Trunk Group Busy/Warning Indicators to Attendant
An attendant console is required.
Trunk Group Busy/Warning Indicators to Attendant p rovides the console user
with a visual indication of the trunk g roup status for each trunk group a ssociated
with the 12 Trunk Group Select buttons located on the console. Trunk groups with
busy indications d uring nonbusy period s should be checke d to ensure that the
trunks are busy and not out-of-servic e. Use the Busy Verification of Terminals and
Trunks feature to test the suspected faulty trunks.
Trunk Identification by Attendant
A display-equip ped voice terminal or an atte ndant console equipp ed with a
“trunk id” button is required.
Trunk Identification by Attendant allows a voic e terminal or attendant console
user to identify a specifi c trunk being used on a call. This is useful when a user
experiences noise or p oor transmission on a trunk call. The trunk identific ation
(access cod e and group number) is d isplayed when the “trunk i d” button is