DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Commands
2-163monitor health
CP Proportion of the CPU currently dedic ated to call proc essing. This
occupanc y has priority over SM and IDLE occup ancy categories and
takes processor time away from these oc cupancy c ategories, if
needed. This percentag e is rounded to the nearest integer, ther efore 0
percent means that the oc cupancy is less than one ha lf of a percent.
Idle Proportion of the CPU currently available. This percentage is rounded
to the nearest integer, therefore 0 perc ent means that the occup ancy
is less than one half of a percent.
Active SPE Currently-active process or complex. When the active p rocessor
complex is locked on-line with lock switching on DUPINT, the “lock”
option displays; otherwis e, “auto” disp lays.
Duplicated? Dupl icat ion st atus o f the SPE ( n).
SPE Power Current power source for the pr ocessor complex. The normal state is
“commercial” . When commercial power is unavailab le, in-use battery
backup is indicated with “backup”.
Time Source Current timing source is d isplayed. The display values for this field
vary according to timing sources selec ted. If the site administers the
optional Stratum-3 hardware, “extern al” displays and “internal”
displays when an internal sourc e, such as a tone clock, is used .
Primary and secondary timing sources must be ad ministered when
using the Stratum-4 option.
“primary” = primary administered source is in use
“secondary” = sec ondary administered source is in use.
“local” = neither the primary or second ary sources are in use.
# Logins Number of current users.
Cab Assigned cab inet number, ranging from 1 to th e highest cabinet
number in the system.
Emerg Trans Current setting of the emergenc y transfer switch for each cab inet. Five
options are available: auto-on (“ auto+” or “a+ ”), auto-off (“auto-” or
“a-*, “on”, “ off”, and “n.a.” . If “auto+” or “ auto-” option are enab led,
emergency transfers automatic ally activate when cab inets fail (“+”
indicates that emergenc y transfer is activated, while “ -” indicates that
emergency transfer is inac tive). When “on” is disp layed, emergency
transfer automatically activates. The “ off” option shows that cab inets
cann ot ac tivat e emer gen cy tr ansfe rs. In dup lica ted SPE s yste ms,
switch settings for both p rocessors of the PPN (cabinet 1) d isplay. In
this case, “auto+” is abbreviated “a+”, “ auto-” is d “a-” , and “off” is
“of”. “on” d oes not changed . If “n.a.” disp lays, emergency transfer
switch settings are not availab le.
Mj Number of major alarms associated with the cabinet. An asterisk fills
the field when the number exc eeds 99.
Mn Number of minor alarms associated with the cabinet. An asterisk fills
the field when the number exc eeds 99.