DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
3-915PMS-LINK (Property Management System Link)
Procedures for Restoring the PMS Link
1. Determine the status of the PMS Link.
Enter status pms command and make sure that the PMS Link is not
busied out for maintenance. If the link is "down," then continue with the
next step.
2. Where does the PMS Link connect?
Enter display syst em hospitality and find out the d estinations of the PMS
3. Determine the status of the data extension.
Enter status data <extension> command and verify whether the d ata
extension is in in-service/idle state. If the d ata extension is NOT available,
then look for the extension number in Alt Name field of Hardware Error
Log. Refer t o the XXX- BD (Co mmon Port Ci rcui t Pack ) Mai ntena nce
documentation for resolutions.
4. Is a data channel on Network Control c ircuit pack in in-servic e/idle state?
Enter list data command and find out the extension numbers of data
channels on Network Control circuit pack. Enter status data <extension>
command and make sure that at lea st one data channel is in
in-service/idle state. If no d ata channel is available, then look for
DATA-CHL/DATA-CON/DATA-BD errors in the Hardware Error Log. If
present, refer to the DATA-BD (Network Control Circuit Pack) Maintenance
documentation; if not present, esc alate the error.
5. Is the external PMS device available?
Make sure that the PMS device is ON-LINE and ready for service. Check
the physical connec tivity between Data Module and the PMS device.
It is recommended that you b usy out the PMS Link before executing maintenance
tests over objects comp osing the PMS Link. If the PMS Link is busied out, then all
PMS Link maintenance actions are deactivated . The interference to tests of other
MO is off.