DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
3-427DATA-CHL (Data Channel)
3. For each of the extensions in the Primary Output Extension and Secondary
Output Extension fields, issue the status data-module <ext> command
using the extension. Note the value in the Connec ted Ports field of the
resulting form. If there is a port value in the field, then the ind icated port is
a Data Channel (DATA-CHL).
4. Issue the list data-module command, locate each port indicated in the
Connected Ports fields, and determine if that p ort has a "type" value of
netcon. If so, then there is a System Printer Link over that DATA-CHL.
Journal Printer Links
1. Issue the status journal-link wakeup-log and status journal-link
pms-log commands to see if one or b oth of these Journal Printer Links
have been established. If the Link State field is Up for either of these,
then that Journal Printer Link may be using one of the Data Cha nnels
2. Issue the display system hospitality command an d note the values in
the Extension of Journal/System Printer and Extension of PMS Log Printer
fields. If either of these values are extensions, then that Jour nal Printer Link
is using one of the Data Channels (DATA-CHLs).
3. For each of the extensions in the Extension of Journal/Schedule Printer
and Extension of PMS Log Printer fields, issue the status data-module
<ext> command using t he extension. Note the value in the Connected
Ports field of the resulting form. If there is a p ort value in the field, then
the indicated p ort is a Data Channel (DATA-CHL).
4. Issue the list data-module command, locate each port indicated in the
Connected Ports fields, and determine if that p ort has a "type" value of
netcon. If so, then there is a Journal Printer Link over that DATA-CHL.
PMS Link
1. Issue the status pms-link command to see if a PMS Link has been
established. If the Link State field is Up, the PMS Link may be using
one of the Data Channels (DATA-CHLs).
2. Issue the display system hospitality command and note the value in the
Extension of the PMS field. If this value is an extension, the PMS Link is
using one of the Data Channels (DATA-CHLs).
3. For the extension in the Extension of PMS field, issue the status
data-module <ext> command using the extension. Note the value in the
Connected Ports field of the resulting form. If there is a port value in the
field, the indicated port is a Data Channel (DATA-CHL).
4. Issue the list data-module command, locate the port indicated in the
Connected Ports field, and determine if th at port has a "type" value of
netcon. If so, there is a PMS Link over that DATA-CHL.