DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
3-393CO-TRK (CO Trunk)
c. This error type indicates that the c ircuit pack has b een removed or has
been insane for more than 11 minutes. To clear the error, reinsert or
replace the circuit pack.
d. Aux data 57345 -- Single polarity ring ing current
Aux data 57376 -- No loop c urrent on incoming call
Aux data 57408 -- No tip g round detected on outg oing call
Aux data 57424 -- No loop c urrent on outgoing call
Aux data 57484 -- No dial tone on outg oing call
These errors cause the Dial Tone Test (#0) to run and are only considered
a problem if the Dial Tone Test fails (in which case Error Type 1537 also
shows up). In this case, the trunk may b e put in "Ready-for-Service" state
(shown as "disconnected" by status c ommand), which allows only
incoming calls. Run the Dial Tone Test (#0) and follow its outlined
If error count associated with this error typ e is very high (that is, 255) and if
Alarm Status on the Hardware Error Report is "n" (not alarmed), then the
existence of this error type indic ates that, despite the fac t that many in-line
error messages have been receiv ed, all Call Seizure Tests have passed.
Problems at the CO may cause this cond ition rather than problems with
the PBX.
e. These errors are logged for all versions of the CO-TRK/CO-BD. However,
no MINOR alarms are generated for Central Office Trunks [TN747B] with
vintages V8 or greater. Any failures received by this test are still logged as
Error type 1025/1281 as additional informati on for the system technician
The system technician person should check for the use of MFT/Range
extenders. If there are extenders present, and there are no other
complaints or maintenance er rors against this trunk, then there is a good
chance that Test #3 failed due to excessive loop current and may be
f. Test calls made by the Automatic Transmission Measurement System
(ATMS) returned measurements that were outside the acceptab le limits.
Use the list testcall detail command to examine specific transmission
parameters that are out of spec, and investigate the trunk for that kind of
noise. If the noise is accep table, the limits administered on the "change
trunk" screen should be chang ed.