DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
TDM NIC Looparound Test (#1380)
This test is non-destructive
This test sets up a loopback p ath from the TDM bus out to the NIC edge of the
Media processor and back to the TDM bus. The loopba ck is established by
setting up the outbound IP connection to send IP pac kets to the MedPro’s own IP
address. The tone generator plac es a test tone (440Hz) onto a timeslot. The
timeslot is listened to by the Med ia processor board. The tone is routed through
the TAP802 DSP farm, where it may undergo transcod ing to G.723, etc. The tone
is looped back at the Network interface and back throug h the TAP802 where it is
converted bac k into standard PCM. The tone is placed onto a TDM timeslot and
detected b y a tone detector port. The test pass es if 440Hz is reported by the
tone detector
1-11 FAIL Some DSPs on the circuit pack have failed. The FAIL code is the number of
bad DSPs reported.
PASS All 11 DSPs are functioning and in-service.
BOARD No board was detected by the test.
1. Check the Error Log for wrong board (Error Type 125) or no board (Error
Type 131). Resolve either of these issues, if applicable.
2. Check that the board is properly translated and inserted . If so, check for
hyperactivity. If hyperactive, use the reset board UUCSS command.
3. Run the test again. If it fails, the circuit pack may be bad. Replace the
circuit pack and retest.
Table 3-351. DSP Capacity Query Test (#1382)Continued
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page