DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
administered port ad dress for the endpoint or ad junct under test, the test p asses
(see Service SPID Display which follows). If after one minute nothing is d isplayed
on the test set, the test fails.
The abbreviations used in (Service SPID Display) have the following meanings:
Table 3-138. SPID Facility Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
FAIL No response is received from the endpoint.
1. Check the physical wiring between the switch and the end point or adjunct.
FAIL Display does not match administered port add ress for the endp oint or adjunct.
1. Change station administration for endpoint or adjunct to matc h displayed port
PASS Display matches administered port address for the endp oint or ad junct.
For BRI endpoints:
1. Verify that the SPID values administered in the switch and the endpoint are
2. If the SPID values are correct, replace the endpoint.
For ASAI adjuncts:
1. Verify that the TEI values administered in the switch and the adjunct are
2. If the TEI values are correct, consult the recommended repair procedures of the
manufacturer for the adjunct.
Continued on next page
P port network (1,2, ...)
C Carrier (A,B,C, ...)
SS Slot (01, 02, ...)
pp p ort (01-12)
ext extension one and two (one through 99999)
SPID service order profile identifier