DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
3-902PKT-INT (Packet Interface)
j. Error 1025 indicates a failure of the private Level 3 Loop around Test (Test
1. If the Packet Interface has a MAJOR alarm:
a. Reset the Packet Interface (reset packet-interface AS).
b. Refer to the repair proced ures for the Packet Interface Reset
Test (#889).
2. If the Packet Interface is not alarmed , no action is required.
k. Error 1281 indicates that the Packet Interfac e has Translation RAM
failures. PKT-INT Translation RAM is used to convert the ad dresses of a
packet to the destination end point address.
1. If the Packet Interface has a MAJOR alarm:
a. Reset the Packet Interface (reset packet-interface AS).
b. Refer to the repair proced ures for the Packet Interface Reset
Test (#889).
2. If the Packet Interface is not alarmed , no action is required.
l. Error 1537 indicates a Boot PROM memory failure. The Packet Interface
may still be operational if no other errors are reported . However the TN798
Processor circuit pack may report a fatal fault during b oard
initialization.For more information, refer to the repair proce dures for Test
m. Error 1793 indicates a FLASH Memory test failure. The Packet Interface
may still be operational if no other errors are reported . However the TN798
Processor circuit pac k may report a fatal fault during b oard initialization.
This may occur during a sy stem recovery level more severe than a WARM
restart. For more information, refer to the repair proced ures of Test #884.
n. Error 2049 indicates a LAPD Receive Buffer Overflow error. The Packet
Interface Packet Bus receive b uffer overflowed. For more information,
refer to the repair procedu res of Test #887.
o. Error 2305 indicates a Packet Bus Interface Detected Parity failure. The
Packet Interface received p ackets with parity error from the Packet Bus.
1. Check for errors logged against the Packet bus and
Maintenance/Test circuit pack. Refer to the app ropriate repair
procedures to clear th ose errors first.
2. Check all other circuit p acks connected to the Packet bus in the
same cabinet. Packet Bus failures are likely to b e caused by a
faulty circuit pac k connected to the bac kplane or bent pins on the
3. If Steps 1 and 2 above do not clear the problem, execute the test
packet-interface command and f ollow repair procedures
described for Test #887.