DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance for csi systems
1-30Logging On/Off
To List Logins
1. Enter the command list logins.
The system displays the following inf ormation for all current logins:
Servic e lev el
Status (active, inactive, disab led, svn-disabled , void)
Password aging cycl e length
The system displays only those logins with th e same, or lower, service
level as the requestor.
To Remove a Login
1. Enter the command remove login [login name].
The system displays the Login Ad ministration form.
2. Press the Enter key to remove the login, or press Cancel to exit the remove
login procedu re without making a change.
To Tes t a Lo gin
1. Enter your login name at the login promp t.
2. After the user enters the correct logi n name and password and the login is
administered correc tly, the system displays the command line interface.
Administering Customer Logins and ForcedPassword AgingAdding Customer Logins and Assigning Initial Password
To add a customer login you must have ad ministrative permissions:
1. Enter the add login [name] command to access the Log in Administration
2. Enter your super-user password in the Password of Login Making
Change field on the Login Administrat ion form.
The 3- to 6-character login name (c haracters 0-9, a-z, A-Z) entered with
the add login [name] command is disp layed in the Login’s Name field .
3. Enter customer in the Login Type field. The system default for the
Login Type field is “customer.” The maximum number of customer
logins of all types is 11.