DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
3-264BRI-BD/LGATE-BD (ISDN-BRI Line Circuit Pack)
If the Packet Bus is not alarmed, reset the circ uit pack via the busyout
board PCSS and reset board PCSS commands. If the Circ uit Pack
Restart Test (#594) passes, then the on-board circuitry is healthy. Retire
the alarm via the test board PCSS long clear command. If the Circ uit
Pack Restart Test (#594) fails, replace the circuit pac k. If the problem
persists after complying with the above instructions, then f ollow normal
escalation procedures.
l. These errors are not service-affecting. No ac tion is required. These errors
are reported by the c ircuit pack when it rec eives a bad control chann el
message from the switch. The auxiliary data identifies the following error
m. This error is not service-affecting. No ac tion is required.
n. Error type 3999 Indicates that the ci rcuit pack sent a large num ber of
control channel messages to the s witch within a short period of ti me. If
error type 1538 is also present, then the c ircuit pack was taken
out-of-service due to hype ractivity. If error type 1538 is not present, then
the circuit pac k has not been taken out-of-service, but it has generated
50% of the messages necessary to be considered hyp eractive. This may
be completely normal during heavy traffic perio ds. However, if this error
type is logged when the circuit pac k is being lightly used , it may indicate a
problem with the circui t pack or the equipment attached to it.
System Technician-Demanded Tests: Descriptions
and Error Codes
Always investigate tests in the order p resented in the following tables when
inspecting errors in the sy stem. By clearing error cod es associated with the
Control Channel Loop Around Test,
for example, you may also clear errors
generated from other tests in the testing sequence.
4096 Bad major heading
4097 Bad port number
4098 Bad data
4099 Bad sub-qualifier
4100 State inconsistency
4101 Inconsistent down link message
3843 Bad translation RAM detected, but call continues by using another
translation location.