DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Commands
2-44display alarms
Options screen
When you enter the display alarms command, the system first d isplays the
options screen. Select the options y ou want to view on the report. The figure
below is an example of the op tions screen for Alarm Reports.
Field descriptions
ALARM TYPES Enter y (yes) or n (no) in any of the 5 alarm type fields
Interval Enter one of the codes below:
m = last month
h = last hour
d = last day


= last week
a = all (default)
From Month/day/year (example: 01/01/97); if the From date is blank, the
report contains all the ac tive alarms for the month


to the current
To Month/day/year (example: 01/15/97); if the To date is not entered,
the report contains all the ac tive alarms starting with the From date
to the current date.
Cabinet Administered cab inet number (1-3)
Port Network 1-3
Number: Board address (PCSS); example: 01A20
Port Port address (PCSSpp); example: 01A2031
display alarms Page 1 of 1
The following options control which alarms will be displayed.
Active? y_ Resolved? n_
Major? y_ Minor? y_ Warning? y_
Interval: m_ From: __/__/__:__ To: __/__/__:__
EQUIPMENT TYPE ( Choose only one, if any, of the following )
Cabinet: ____
Port Network: __
Board Number: _______
Port: ________
Category: ________
Extension: _____
Trunk ( group/member ): ___/___