DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance for csi systems
1-72Install DS1 CPE Loopback Jack (T1 Only)
Loopback Jack InstallationConfigurations Using a Smart Jack
The preferred location of the loopb ack jack is at the interfac e to the Smart Jack.
This provides maximum coverage of CPE wiring when remote tests are run using
the loopback jac k. If the Smart Jack is not accessib le, install the loopbac k jack at
the extended demarc ation point.
1. If there is no extended demarc ation point, install the loopbac k jack directly
at the network interface point as shown in Figure 1-21.
2. If there is an extended demarc ation point and the Smart Jack is not
accessible, install the loopback jack as shown in Figure 1-22.
3. If there is an extended demarc ation point, but the Smart Jack is
accessible, install the loopback jack as shown in Figure 1-23.
Configurations Without a Smart Jack
1. Install the loopback jac k at the point where the cablin g from the ICSU
plugs into the “d umb” block. If t here is more than one “dumb” b lock,
choose the one that is closest to the Interface Termination feed or the fiber
MUX. This provides maximum coverage for loop back jack tests. Refer to
Figure 1-24 and Figure 1-25.
1. To install the loopback jack, simply d isconnect the RJ-48 (8-wide)
connector (typic ally an H600-383 cable) at the app ropriate interface point
and connect the loop back jack in series with th e DS1 span. See Figure
1-21 through Figure 1-25.
2. Plug the H600-383 cable from the ICSU into the female c onnector on the
loopback jack.
3. Plug the male connector on the loop back jack cab le into the network
interface point.
Do not remove the loopback jac k after installation. This is not a test
tool and should always be a vailable to remotely test a DS1 span.
1. At the management terminal, enter change ds1 <location>. The
“location” is the DS1 interfac e circuit pack for whi ch the loopback ja ck
was installed.
2. Be sure the “near-end CSU type” is set to integrated.