DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Commands
2-112list history
Feature Interactions
The translation log is written to the memory card as translation data when the
save translation command is exec uted. The translation data is time stamped
when saved. This time stamp is noted when tr anslation is loaded from the
memory card and inc luded in all recen t change history repor ts.
When a user requests a recent change history rep ort, there could be other users
concurrently issuing d ata commands and altering the contents of the transaction
log. Therefore, if the user pages the entire way throug h the report, the oldest
entries in the transaction log (maximum 250 commands) may have be en
overwritten by data comman ds issued by these other users. Should this occur,
the final entries of the report show the d ata commands issued b y the other users
since the recent chang e history report was originally requested.
Also, use of the set time command to alter the system clock could make it look
as if the recent change histor y report is not in true LIFO order.
Action/Object Qualifier Qualifier Description Permissions Defaults
list history
Report sent to printer.
Command is validated and then a
scheduling form disp lays to
schedule execution of the
command. The command is then
placed in the command q ueue and
is executed at the specified time.
The information displayed by the
command is sent to the system
printer instead of the screen.1
list history
list history print
list history schedule
1 Refer to the Report Scheduler and System Printer feature specification for more details.
none See below