DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance for csi systems
1-34Logging On/Off
Each of the three main categories have sub categories listed und er them that
when set to y give permission to use the c ommand sets associated with t hat
category. When the Command Permissions Categories form is displayed for a
login, the subcateg ories fields appear with the field s set to give the login full
permissions for that login typ e. The super-user administering login permissions
can set any of these field to d eny access to a command c ategory for the
specified login. If the super-user making the assignments has full super-user
permissions and would like to limit permissions for a categ ory, the super-user
can do so by ente ring y in the Additional Restrictions field located under
the Administration Category sec tion of the Command Permissions Categories
Refer to the Command Permissions Form Entries Tables at the end of this section
for a list of command Ob jects and Actions b y:
Display Administration and Mai nte nanc e
Administer Features
Administer Permissions
Administer Stations
Administer Trunks
The information in these tables can help you to establish command p ermissions
for user logins.
To administer command permissions, log in as super-user and:
1. Access the Command Permissions Categ ories form by entering change
permissions login
login name
. When the form is displayed for a lo gin,
the default permissions for that “ login type” are shown. The super-user
administering the login c an change a y to n for each subc ategory field.
2. Select a category for the log in and enter y in each field where p ermission
to perform an administrative o r maintenance action is needed . The
command objec t you select must be within the per missions for the login
type you are administering.
If the Maintenance option is set to y on the Customer Options for m, the
super-user can enter y in the Maintain Switch Circuit Packs? or
Maintain Process Circuit Packs fields.
3. A super-user with full super-user p ermissions (super-user administ ering
the login cannot have the Additional Restrictions field set to y for
his/her own login) can restric t additional administrative or ma intenance
actions for a specified login by entering y i n the Additional
Restrictions field on the Command Permission Categories for m. Enter
the additional restrictions f or a login in the Restricted object list field s
on the Command Permission Categories Restricted Object List form. You
can enter up to 40 command names (object names) to bl ock actions
associated with a comma nd category for a sp ecified login.